Can Vitex (Chasteberry) Relieve Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) Symptoms?


Do you struggle with pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) every 4 weeks? You’re one of many. With aches, pains, and moodiness, going through PMS can be hugely unpleasant for numerous women. While over-the-counter painkillers and medications might help reduce a number of the symptoms, you might steer journey path and gives natural remedies like vitex, often called chasteberry, a test.

What Is Vitex?

Vitex agnus-castus L., or chasteberry, is a large shrub that is certainly native to regions of Europe and Central Asia. It is now a regular fixture in Southern elements of the us, where avid gardeners recognize it because of its beautiful, fragrant flowers that will be similar in features to lilac. Vitex produces edible berries that have already a distinct peppery flavor. It is these berries carry medicinal properties that could benefit women’s health.

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Like generally herbal treatments, vitex includes its share of old wives’ tales. For instance, these berries?just might suppress libido. It is known that any Greek physician called Dioscorides asked the wives of soldiers to consume these berries to be able to?maintain their chastity while their husbands?were away fighting battles.

The berries are usually called Monk’s pepper because it’s asserted that monks in the center Ages consumed these berries to upkeep their vows of celibacy.

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What Is Premenstrual?Syndrome (PMS)?

Premenstrual?Syndrome (PMS) includes both internal and external symptoms which affect women?two or three days before their menstrual period begins. PMS is seen headaches, mood swings, tenderness and pain?in breasts, and cravings for certain sorts of foods.

Health Advantages of Vitex

Among many herbs proven to support women’s health, vitex is a favorite name. Studies have shown that chasteberry extract might help with reducing pain from the breasts, which is a common PMS symptom. This pain has long been of the creation of breast milk and scientists assume that vitex just might suppress the production of prolactin, a hormone involved with the production of breast milk.

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During a?study of vitex capsules involving 178 women, that it was learned that many of the candidates experienced no less than 50% improvement or reduction in their PMS symptoms. Vitex is additionally thought to promote making Luteinizing hormone, which can be vital for a healthy obese individuals.

Some studies also support that vitex can help you regularize the menstrual cycles by balancing the hormones.?This herb may decrease the creation of Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and estrogen, that can be identified by cause PMS. The ability revolving around vitex shows that this could regulate and aid the functioning on the anterior pituitary gland thereby can assist balance hormones in menopausal women.

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Apart from relieving PMS symptoms, studies conducted in Switzerland discovered that vitex?sometimes have anti-cancer properties and could be accomplished at fighting tumor cells linked with breast, ovarian, and colon cancers. The study demonstrated that chasteberry not merely stopped cancer cells from multiplying it caused complete destruction of cells.

How to Consume Vitex?

Vitex or chasteberry also comes in capsules or tincture forms, as well as it comes with a slightly?bitter taste going without running shoes,?it is joined with other herbs for added benefits. You?may also grow to obtain a highly effective herb garden that offer detailed wave inside right temperate zones and work out your individual tinctures or herbal teas.

Side Link between Vitex

Some from the side effects reported from Vitex consumption include nausea, upset stomach, and skin irritation. Mainly because it affects hormones, women taking contraceptives should be aware of an interaction

Vitex could affect antipsychotic drugs and estrogen supplements. Additionally, it can cause modifications in the menstrual cycle and may stabilize over a few months of usage.


  1. B. (2018, June 04). Chasteberry. Retrieved from
  2. Herbs for PMS. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  3. K. (2018, May 18). Vitex or Chaste Tree Benefits for Female Health | Wellness Mama. Retrieved from
  4. Edgar, J. (n.d.). Herbs for PMS. Retrieved from
  5. Moore, S. (2017, October 03). Chaste Tree Berry for Acne. Retrieved from

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