4 Natural home remedies To take down Gum Pain In no time


From gingivitis and periodontitis to hormonal changes and?diabetes, there are plenty of factors which affect your dental health and cause gum pain.

If left untreated, painful gums develop into red and lead to swelling, increased sensitivity and?bleeding, especially after brushing. Basically all find refuge in painkillers to soothe the agony and discomfort, there are lots of simple home remedies which could provide?rest from gum pain?and curtail infections. Let us discuss four effective remedies you can consider.

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Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice: Abundant in vit c and antioxidants, lemon juice is a great remedy to cut back inflammation, fight infections and reduce gum pain. Squeeze in a pinch of salt into the juice of half a lemon. Mix properly and apply the paste covering the gums as well as leaving for Ten mins. Repeat this 2 times a day to ease gum pain.

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Clove Oil

Clove Oil: Cloves happen to be helpful to treat toothaches since middle ages. Cloves contain eugenol, an ingredient that’s got analgesic (pain-relieving) and antibacterial properties that decrease inflammation and fight infections. Add few drops of clove oil to a small cotton gauze make it once your there of gum pain and then leave for 15 minutes. Achieve this two tmes a day for your week to relieve pain.

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Tea Bags

Tea Bags: The tannic acid and theobromine obtained in tea can effectively reduce pain and inflammation. Dip a tea bag in boiling water and over the inflamed gums for 5 minutes once cool. Apply twice a day for better relief.

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Gum Massages

Gum Massages: Massaging the gums is a straightforward yet effective way to help remedy gum pain. A gum massage improves blood flow and reduces swelling. Massage your gums with your forefinger in a very circular motion twice daily for any week to appease gum pain.

For more interesting stories, visit our?Health page. On?Treatments here.

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